Thursday, November 29, 2012

Relationship Check

Wow!  How quickly did 2012 pass us by?!  Christmas is just around the corner and I feel like I didn't even get a chance to enjoy Halloween!  I was listening to Oprah the other day and they were speaking about making the most of every moment.  I have to say that I haven't really sat back to do that this year. Instead, it's been rush, rush, rush!  Aaron's martial art business, my transitioning still to the new investment firm, Trinity's commitment to dance competition, and Aaron being a teenager!!!  On top of that having a family member living with us and starting a web business myself!  Whew!!
With so much "life" happening, we have seemed to put off the little things that matter most.  Most of my day consists of working at the office, playing taxi, and coming home to work on the new biz.  I feel like I've been neglecting Aaron, the kids, the dogs, and my health.
So, with that said...I'm going to challenge myself to taking the month of December and enjoying each moment!
My goals:
To come home and commit to 1/2 an hour tea time with hubby.  We have a beautiful deck and outdoor patio, we barely use.  We have an ocean view I barely see...all this will soon change!  :)
Homemade dinner 6 out of the 7 nights.  I'm Italian, and Italian's have the most fun in the kitchen and at the table!  I believe food touches all of our souls and brings out love and laughter!
Back to Family Home Evening's! Once a week, for an hour, to sit down as a family and play games, talk about our week, maybe even go for a walk!
Speaking of Walks....the BEACH!!!  My dream was to always live by the beach!  How many times a week do I go to the beach?! Almost never!  What a shame when it's right down the street, so another bit of enjoyment that I need to add to my December list :)
But most importantly, taking the time to show my God, family, and friends how much they mean to me.    Whether it's a few minutes or hours each day engaging in conversation or just listening makes all the difference!
Happy Holidays!  -Natalie

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Always kiss me goodnight!

Every night we are committed to saying family prayer together and then the kids go on their way to bed.  I read in an article once that as busy as we are in life, just 5 minutes can make a huge impact in our children's lives.  Although hugs and kisses are given after prayer and before they run off,  we make it a point to tuck each of them in at night and give them an extra smooch!
Those extra 5 minutes of tucking them in have offered me insight into their lives.  I learn about the new cute girl at school or the mean substitute that wouldn't let the kids play on the monkey bars.  Regardless of where the conversation goes, I learn something new each night.  My husband would always ask the kids the question, "What was your favorite part of the day?"  The kids are able to go to sleep at night focusing on something positive that occurred during the day.
I was always able to count on my parents to say goodnight to me each night.  I remember my dad's funny stories as a kid about his love for animals and his mom's amazing cooking.  I remember my mom taking the extra time to give me a big hug and kiss goodnight.  I felt assured that I was loved and felt secure.
Whether it's reading the kids a poem by Shel Silverstein or letting them know the fun adventures you had when you were a kid, those 5 extra minutes can make a world of difference and memories that they, and you, will always cherish!
Cheers!  Natalie

Monday, August 29, 2011

Water Fight

My dishwasher broke a few months ago and I don't want to replace it yet for two reason:  1)  I want a new kitchen and new appliances and would rather wait it out then get a new one in and have to do a bunch of construction around it.  2)  It allows us a little extra time to take time.
My children are growing up so fast.  "Don't blink!", you hear it all the time and it's so true.  Right before my very eyes, Aaron and Trinity have gone from diapers and strollers, to skateboards and hip hop.  My daughter recently tells me she is tired of the color pink and needs a change.  My heart almost broke! ;)  Like it or not, they are growing up and I have to go with it.  But by going with it, I am making the most of it!  
Last week Little Aaron and I were washing dishes together.  To his surprise I splashed him with water from the faucet.  
"Mom!  That's so not funny!" he had said laughing.  "Really?!" I said, "Cause I think it is!" and from there our water fight started.  I grabbed the faucet and sprayed my son down in the kitchen.  Water's flying everywhere, we are both drenched (him more than I) and we are laughing hysterically as we are both on the floor trying to soak up the rest of the water with our kitchen towels!  
"Mom, I will NEVER forget this!" he says in a way that tells me he is plotting for revenge! 
"Neither will I buddy.....neither will I."  Little did he know that was exactly what I had hoped for.....him never forgetting and another fun filled memory for his little nogan!  :)

Sunday, June 26, 2011

SLO Blues Baseball

After reading a friend of mines blog, I loved her idea about making a summer fun list and decided to create one for the Terrasas fam!  We have posted our list in the kitchen (pics. soon to come) and have listed different activities and summer camps for the kids and our family to participate in this summer!  Hiking, biking, surfing, bonfires, paintball, fishing, are just a few of the many activities we have listed.  One of my favorites is the Blues Baseball games!!!


I am a small town girl at heart and love what baseball symbolizes!  You know it's summer on the central coast when the Blue's start playing ball.  Every time I think of a baseball game thoughts of fresh cut grass, picnic blankets, lively music, sunflower seeds, red vines, warm days under the sun, and fireworks that light up the nights sky come to my mind!  I can smell the bbq's blazing as soon as I step out of the car and by evening the cool breeze from the ocean's marine layer sneaks through the mountains.  That's when you know you are at a SLO Blues game!  We ended up there a few nights ago and had so much fun!  We ain't the big leagues but these boys play hard and it is inspiring to see them put their heart and soul into the game!  You can view the SLO Blues game schedule at:
The price for kids under 12 is free!!!  Adults are $6 a ticket.  The game opens with the respected "Star Spangled Banner" and we see our little ones passing on the tradition of good old American patriotism.  "Take me out to the Ball Game" is a known classic that the kids can belt from the top of their lungs!  The mascot is a blue bull that runs around the park dancing up a storm and high- fiving every kid in its way.  The Blues involve the kids by letting them to participate each night in multiple events that allows them to win prizes and feel like part of the action.  It is such a small stadium that the kids can run wild and parents can enjoy their afternoon or evening watching a favorite all American past time. 


As Whitman writes, "Let us go forth awhile, and get better air in our lungs. Let us leave our close rooms.... The game of ball is glorious"
Come join the Terrasas family this summer and enjoy one of America's best left legacy's....Play Ball!!!
Cheers, Natalie

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

The Sky's the Limit!

I was walking down State Street last week in Santa Barbara when it hit me!  My dreams that I had as a child of working in Santa Barbara one day had finally come true!  I get to work at my office in Santa Barbara tomorrow and it still is slowly sinking in that another one of my dreams has become a reality!
I am extremely blessed to be a successful financial advisor for the central coast of California spanning from Paso Robles to Santa Barbara!  I have worked in the financial industry now for over 11 years and absolutely love what I do!  I love helping clients reach their financial dreams and see their hard earned savings finally go to work for them.  I enjoy helping those just starting off plan for a day that they can retire and live out their future dreams!
I have a motto and that is "the sky's the limit!"  My father taught me to work hard in life.  You have to work hard to play hard!  Some people say I was spoiled when I was younger.  My sisters and I lived in a beautiful home, had nice things, wonderful parents and traveled a lot!  I loved how we were raised and knew that someday when I had a family I wanted to continue that lifestyle.  I knew that when I "grew up" I wanted to live on the coast, have a job that allowed me to have my own office and make my own schedule, make at least six figures a year, have a beautiful family, travel and still enjoy the simple things in life.
Money doesn't buy you happiness but it sure does make life a little easier and a lot more fun!  I got married to my high school sweetheart at the young age of 19!  We had our first child when I was 20.  My life was completely different 13 years ago then it is today but I really appreciate what I learned and the growth opportunity I was given from how we lived back then.  I went from a big house near the bluffs, in an upscale neighborhood, to small apartment living with just a mattress and some milk crates as our side tables.  My husband came home one day after working in -10 degree weather to a wife crying on the bathroom floor because she did not know how to clean a shower.  We barely had enough money for food and a baby was soon on the way.  My dream life seemed to be pure chaos but I loved it and I was happy to share it with the love of my life.  I knew that both of us, as determined as we were, would "put our shoulder to the wheel" and make life become what our dreams were.  It was an exciting time in our lives.  We worked hard and struggled, but we were focused and that in time has paid off.  
I look back and feel so blessed.  I have grown so much through the years.  I am a different person today then I was in my early 20's but one thing has not changed and that is my thirst for success and reaching for the stars.   You are never to young or old to live out your dreams or accomplish your goals.  My mom is another huge inspiration in my life.  She went back to school at age 50, started from scratch, and now has her masters degree and is working as a very successful marriage and family therapist in the central valley.  I am so proud of her and fortunate to have another amazing role model in my life.  
Life is here, life is now.  Search out who you are and what you want to become and go for it!  Don't let your dash of life go by without accomplishing some, if not all your dreams!  
I know tomorrow I will be walking down State street again in beautiful Santa Barbara feeling ever so thankful.  My dreams have come true, now I just need to add a few more to the list again and continue to reach for the stars!  :) 
Cheers, Natalie 

Sunday, June 19, 2011


I love Sundays!  A new beginning to each new week! 
Our typical Sunday consists of a HUGE breakfast, relaxation and then off to church.  We love to entertain and normally we have family or friends over to eat and visit after church.  On Sundays we try to keep things real simple.  We don’t let the kids watch regular T.V. on Sundays and try to have them focus on either writing in their journals, letters to family, or reading books.  We try to make time in the evening to walk the dogs and just enjoy the coastal weather.
Sunday evenings we have family council.  It is so nice to sit as a family and discuss any issues or things on our minds.  It is a time for Aaron and I to measure where our kids are at and if anything is bothering them.  It opens the doors of communication for our family without judgement.  It is wonderful to find resolutions as a family if there is something that needs tending too.  The kids are very open with us and their trust continues to build in us.  We come together as a family and measure where we are at with our goals and the weeks agenda.  The kids love when we throw compliments their way or let them know how proud we are of them and their accomplishments.
Aaron and I recently started our own Couple Counsel on Sundays, after family council, that allows us to touch base with one another and where we are at in life.  It's allows us to throw whatever is bothering us on the table to hash out.  This has become such a valuable tool in the growth of our marriage.  I truly enjoy hanging out with my husband and discussing life, our dreams, our goals, and how we can not only better each other but ourselves!  This is just one step of many we decided to throw into our lives to not only strengthen our family but add to the enjoyment of our Sunday! 
Cheers, Natalie  

Sunday, June 5, 2011


I have been inspired.  “The Happiness Project” by Gretchen Rubin has inspired me to dissect my life and really take a good hard look to see if it’s going in the direction I always dreamed it to be.  Am I the ultimate wife, mother, daughter, sister, friend, employee, individual that I always wanted to be?  The women who could balance both home life and work life and still have time for herself?  LOL, I think not!  But….I want to be!!!  One of the biggest desires of my heart is to be!  But, in my eyes, it's pure perfection and I think it may take awhile before I reach that point! :) 
My name is Natalie Terrasas.  I am a mom of two, Aaron (12) and Trinity (8).  My wonderful husband is also named Aaron and I am very proud to say that we have been married almost 13 years!!!   I am happy, I am loved, I love to love!  I want to make the most out of life and time seems to slip by so fast!  The fact that my son will be graduating this week and along with reading this book I feel inspired to blog about life.  Making the most of what you have been given, always striving to do better, and becoming the ultimate you!
 I feel I have so much to share and look forward to your comments and suggestions!  I love blogs and have been wanting to write one for awhile!  
Cheers, Natalie